発行年月 | 著者名 | タイトル | |
2025/1 |
Yoshimasa Uematsu Takashi Yamagata |
Discovering the Network Granger Causality in Large Vector Autoregressive Models |
#植松良公 #統計学
2024/12 |
W. Erwin Diewert Koji Nomura Chihiro Shimizu |
Improving the SNA: Alternative measures of output, input, income, and productivity |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2024/12 |
Toshiaki Watanabe Jouchi Nakajima |
High-frequency realized stochastic volatility model |
#渡部敏明 #統計学
2024/10 |
Makoto Takahashi Toshiaki Watanabe Yasuhiro Omori |
Forecasting Daily Volatility of Stock Price Index Using Daily Returns and Realized Volatility |
#渡部敏明 #統計学
2024/09 |
James Fodor Simon De Deyne Shinsuke Suzuki |
Compositionality and Sentence Meaning: Comparing Semantic Parsing and Transformers on a Challenging Sentence Similarity Dataset |
#鈴木真介 #情報・AI
2024/08 |
Jiro Yoshida Kohei Kawai David Geltner Chihiro Shimizu |
How Property Rents and Expenses Depreciate: A Case of Tokyo Office Properties |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2024/07 |
Masamune Kobayashi Masato Mita Mamoru Komachi |
Revisiting Meta-evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2024/07 |
Yoshiki Ogawa Takuya Oki Chenbo Zhao Yoshihide Sekimoto Chihiro Shimizu |
Evaluating the subjective perceptions of streetscapes using street-view images |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2024/06 |
Masaaki Higashijima Yujin Woo |
Political Regimes and Refugee Entries: The Preferences and Decisions of Displaced Persons and Host Governments |
#Woo Yujin #社会科学
2024/06 |
Takumi Shimizu Susumu Nagayama Junichi Yamanoi |
Attentional Uniqueness and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Growth Actions |
#永⼭ 晋 #社会科学
2024/05 |
Reiko Shintaki Daiki Tanaka Shinsuke Suzuki Takaaki Yoshimoto Norihiro Sadato Junichi Chikazoe Koji Jimura |
Continuous decision to wait for a future reward is guided by fronto-hippocampal anticipatory dynamics |
#鈴木真介 #情報・AI
2024/04 |
Kristof Keidel Xiaping Lu Shinsuke Suzuki Carsten Murawski Ulrich Ettinger |
Association of temporal discounting with transdiagnostic symptom dimensions |
#鈴木真介 #情報・AI
2024/03 |
Kenichiro Ando, Mamoru Komachi, Satoshi Sekine |
WikiSQE: A Large-Scale Dataset for Sentence Quality Estimation in Wikipedia |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2024/03 |
Keigo Takahashi , Teruaki Oka, Mamoru Komachi, Yasufumi Takama |
A Comparative Study of Relation Classification Approaches for Japanese Discourse Relation Analysis |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2024/02 |
Ko Senoo, Yohei Seki, Wakako Kashino, Atsushi Keyaki, Noriko Kando |
Stance prediction with a relevance attribute to political issues in comparing the opinions of citizens and city councilors |
#欅惇志 #情報・AI
2024/02 |
Shota Hattori, Tatsuya Yatagawa, Yutaka Ohtake, Hiromasa Suzuki |
Learning Self-Prior for Mesh Inpainting Using Self-Supervised Graph Convolutional Networks |
#谷田川達也 #情報・AI
2024/01 |
Sreenithy Chandran, Tatsuya Yatagawa, Hiroyuki Kubo, Suren Jayasuriya |
Learning-Based Spotlight Position Optimization for Non-Line-of-Sight Human Localization and Posture Classification |
#谷田川達也 #情報・AI
2023/12 |
Hideo Joho, Atsushi Keyaki, Yuki Oba |
Overview of the NTCIR-17 Transfer Task |
#欅惇志 #情報・AI
2023/12 |
Zizheng Zhang , Masato Mita, Mamoru Komachi |
ClozEx: A Task toward Generation of English Cloze Explanation |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2023/12 | Susumu Nagayama | Does working at third places work? Multi-locational work for engagement, creativity, and well-being |
#永⼭ 晋 #社会科学
2023/10 | Cathy W.S. Chen, Toshiaki Watanabe, Edward M.H. Lin | Bayesian estimation of realized GARCH-type models with application to financial tail risk management |
#渡部敏明 #統計学
2023/09 |
Hwichan Kim, Tosho Hirasawa, Sangwhan Moon, Naoaki Okazaki, Mamoru Komachi |
North Korean Neural Machine Translation through South Korean Resources |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2023/09 | Runyu Dai, Yoshimasa Uematsu, Yasumasa Matsuda | Estimation of Large Covariance Matrices with Mixed Factor Structures |
#植松良公 #統計学
2023/08 |
Yuta Tsuji, Tatsuya Yatagawa, Hiroyuki Kubo, Shigeo Morishima |
Event-Based Camera Simulation Using Monte Carlo Path Tracing with Adaptive Denoising |
#谷田川達也 #情報・AI
2023/07 |
Hwichan Kim, Mamoru Komachi |
Enhancing Few-shot Cross-lingual Transfer with Target Language Peculiar Examples |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2023/07 | Masatomo Suzuki, Chihiro Shimizu | Relationship between market share and rent level: understanding supply structure in the Japanese private rental housing market |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2023/06 |
Siti Oryza Khairunnisa, Zhousi Chen, Mamoru Komachi |
Dataset Enhancement and Multilingual Transfer for Named Entity Recognition in the Indonesian Language |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2023/06 | Erwin W. Diewert, Koji Nomura and Chihiro Shimizu | Estimating Flexible Functional Forms Using Macroeconomic Data |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2023/06 | 渡辺努,清水千弘 編 | 日本の物価・資産価格 価格ダイナミクスの解明 |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2023/06 | Masahiro Higo, Yumi Saita, Chihiro Shimizu and Yuta Tachi | Constructing Building Price Index Using Administrative Data |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2023/06 | 小林 千真,相田 太一,岡 照晃,小町 守 | BERT を用いた日本語の意味変化の分析 |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2023/06 | 小山 碧海,喜友名 朝視顕,小林 賢治,新井 美桜,三田 雅人,岡 照晃,小町 守 | 日本語文法誤り訂正のための誤用タグ付き評価コーパスの構築 |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2023/06 | 相田 太一,小町 守,小木曽 智信,高村 大也,持橋 大地 | 異なる時期での意味の違いを捉える単語分散表現の結合学習 |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2023/06 | 石田哲也,関洋平,欅 惇志,柏野和佳子,神門典子 | 都市を横断した市民意見抽出の評価 |
#欅惇志 #情報・AI
2023/05 |
Keigo Takahashi, Teruaki Oka, Mamoru Komachi |
Effectiveness of Pre-Trained Language Models for the Japanese Winograd Schema Challenge |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2023/05 | Zhousi Chen and Mamoru Komachi | Discontinuous Combinatory Constituency Parsing |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2023/05 | Hiroto Tamura, Tosho Hirasawa, Hwichan Kim, Mamoru Komachi | Does Masked Language Model Pre-training with Artificial Data Improve Low-resource Neural Machine Translation? |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2023/05 | Zizheng Zhang, Masato Mita, Mamoru Komachi | Cloze Quality Estimation for Language Assessment |
#小町 守 #情報・AI
2023/03 |
Siqi Wang, Tatsuya Yatagawa, Yutaka Ohtake, Hiromasa Suzuki |
Sparse-View Cone-Beam CT Reconstruction by Bar-by-Bar Neural FDK Algorithm |
#谷田川達也 #情報・AI
2023/03 | 欅 惇志,田中リベカ | 大規模言語モデルを用いた情報検索のための coarse-tuning 手法の提案 |
#欅惇志 #情報・AI
2023/03 | 米丸 周吾,関 洋平,欅 惇志,柏野 和佳子,神門 典子 | ツイートを利用した地域別の市民同士のつながりを評価する指標の提案 |
#欅惇志 #情報・AI
2023/03 | Suzuki S, Zhang X, Dezfouli A, Braganza L, Fulcher BD, Parkes L, et al. | Individuals with problem gambling and obsessive-compulsive disorder learn through distinct reinforcement mechanisms(PLoS Biol) |
#鈴木真介 #情報・AI
2023/01 |
Yuta Yamauchi, Tatsuya Yatagawa, Yutaka Ohtake, Hiromasa Suzuki |
Bin-scanning: Segmentation of X-ray CT volume of binned parts using Morse skeleton graph of distance transform |
#谷田川達也 #情報・AI
2023/01 | Yoshimasa Uematsu, Takashi Yamagata | Estimation of Sparsity-Induced Weak Factor Models (Journal of Business & Economic Statistics) |
#植松良公 #統計学
2023/01 | Yoshimasa Uematsu, Takashi Yamagata | Inference in Sparsity-Induced Weak Factor Models (Journal of Business & Economic Statistics) |
#植松良公 #統計学
2022/12 | Daisuke Miyakawa, Chihiro Shimizu & Iichiro Uesugi | Do Foreign Buyers Pay More Than Domestic Buyers? Evidence from International Transaction-Level Data (The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics) |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2022/10 | Masatomo Suzuki, Kohei Kawai, Chihiro Shimizu | Discrimination against the atypical type of tenants in the Tokyo private rental housing market: Evidence from moving-in inspection and rent arrear records (International Journal of Geographical Information Science) |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2022/10 | Shirota, S and A. E. Gelfand | Preferential sampling for bivariate spatial data (Spatial Statistics) |
#城田慎一郎 #統計学
2022/10 | Ryan Smith, Lav R. Varshney, Susumu Nagayama, Masahiro Kazama, Takuya Kitagawa, Yoshiki Ishikawa | A computational neuroscience perspective on subjective wellbeing within the active inference framework (International Journal of Wellbeing) |
#永⼭ 晋 #社会科学
2022/10 | Shota Hattori, Tatsuya Yatagawa, Yutaka Ohtake, Hiromasa Suzuki | Learning Self-prior for Mesh Denoising using Dual Graph Convolutional Networks (European Conference on Computer Vision) |
#谷田川達也 #情報・AI
2022/09 | W. Erwin Diewert,Chihiro Shimizu | Residential Property Price Indexes: Spatial Coordinates Versus Neighborhood Dummy Variables (Review of Income and Wealth) |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2022/09 | Cathy W.S. Chen, Hsiao-Yun Hsu, Toshiaki Watanabe | Tail risk forecasting of realized volatility CAViaR models (Finance Research Letters) |
#渡部敏明 #統計学
2022/08 | Amit Patel, Eiichi Sato, Takeshi Takagi, Naohiro Shichijo | Effect of oxidation on the bending fatigue behavior of an advanced SiC/SiC CMC component at 1000 °C in air (Journal of the European Ceramic Society) |
#七丈直弘 #社会科学
2022/08 | Hongjik Kim, Chihiro Shimizu | The Relationship between Geographic Accessibility to Neighborhood Facilities, Remote Work, and Changes in Neighborhood Satisfaction after the Emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Sustainability) |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2022/08 | Shirota, S., A. O. Finley, B. D. Cook and S. Banerjee | Conjugate sparse plus low rank models for efficient Bayesian interpolation of large spatial data (Environmetrics) |
#城田慎一郎 #統計学
2022/07 | Hayato Nishi, Yasushi Asami, Hiroki Baba, Chihiro Shimizu | Scalable spatiotemporal regression model based on Moran’s eigenvectors (International Journal of Geographical Information Science) |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2022/07 | Susumu Nagayama, Hitoshi Mitsuhashi | Explosive and implosive root concepts: An analysis of music moods rooted by two influential rap artists (PLOS ONE) |
#永⼭ 晋 #社会科学
2022/06 | Christian Eichhorn 0002, David A. Plecher, Annabel Trilk, Atsushi Hiyama, Gudrun Klinker | GuessingCarbs – A Serious Game About Healthy Nutrition in Old Age Combining Virtual and Tangible Components. (Augmented Humans 2022) |
#檜⼭ 敦 #社会科学
2022/05 | Miyazaki A, Okuyama T, Mori H, Sato K, Kumamoto K, Hiyama A. | Effects of Two Short-Term Aerobic Exercises on Cognitive Function in Healthy Older Adults during COVID-19 Confinement in Japan: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health) |
#檜⼭ 敦 #社会科学
2022/05 | Tatsuya Hiraoka, Sho Takase, Kei Uchiumi, Atsushi Keyaki, and Naoaki Okazaki | Word-level Perturbation Considering Word Length and Compositional Subwords (Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022) |
#欅惇志 #情報・AI
2022/05 | Masatomo Suzuki, Chihiro Shimizu | Using property-level inquiry volume to quantify demand–supply balance for existing houses: the case of the resale condominium market in Tokyo (International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis) |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2022/04 | Masatomo Suzuki, Seow Eng Ong, Yasushi Asami, Chihiro Shimizu | Long-Run Renewal of REIT Property Portfolio Through Strategic Divestment (The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics) |
#清水千弘 #統計学
2022/04 | Kimihiro Hino, Hiroki Baba, Hongjik Kim, Chihiro Shimizu | Validation of a Japanese walkability index using large-scale step count data of Yokohama citizens (Cities) |
#清水千弘 #統計学