一橋大学 ソーシャル・データサイエンス学部・研究科 ロゴ

一橋大学 ソーシャル・データサイエンス学部・研究科




To our prospective colleagues: pioneering the new academic field of Social Data Science

We now live in what is often referred to as “the era of big data,” where vast amounts of data are easily accessible. Big data has been dubbed “the oil of the 21st century,” and data science, the field dedicated to extracting valuable information from such data, is gaining significant attention from society. The “social” in our “Social Data Science” program represents social sciences, including economics, business, law, politics, and sociology. In our program, students can comprehensively study the subjects related to data science, such as statistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence, alongside a wide range of social science subjects. Our faculty and graduate school are dedicated to advancing education and research in “Social Data Science,” arised from the integration of social science and data science, to cultivate individuals capable of tackling new and emerging challenges in modern society. We welcome motivated students with diverse backgrounds to join us in exploring and pioneering new academic fields together.

Dean of Faculty/Graduate School of Social Data Science:

Toshiaki Watanabe

Toshiaki Watanabe
  • Social Science for setting the right problems and discovering practical knowledge from analysis results:

    Through comprehensively learning social science subjects, you will gain the capability of identifying issues appropriate for data analysis and obtaining practical knowledge from the analysis outcomes.

  • Data science for analyzing diverse real-world data from different perspectives:

    By comprehensively learning statistics and informatics through practical computer programming, you will gain the capability of choosing an approach appropriate for the problem of interest based on the purpose of the data collection and analysis.

  • Ethical and legal issues involved in the data analysis and applications:

    You will learn the ethical standards and laws involving the privacy of individuals, then leverage the knowledge to gain insights to resolve social issues through data analysis and applications.

  • Integration – project-based learning cultivating social science and data science skills:

    In project-based learning subjects, you are expected to define specific tasks and leverage the data analysis and interpretation methods to them. Then, you will consequently be able to integrate the knowledge and techniques that you learned in the lectures of two sciences.