一橋大学大学院ソーシャル・データサイエンス研究科では、大阪大学より山下拓朗氏をお招きし、”Unraveling and Judge Productivity in the Market for Federal Judicial Law Clerks: Evidence and Proposal”と題した講演を行います。本講演は、修士課程学生を対象とした授業「リサーチワークショップ」の一環として開催されます。
開催日時:2024年10月11日(金) 17:10~18:55
場所:一橋大学国立キャンパス 東1号館
Unraveling and Judge Productivity in the Market for Federal Judicial Law Clerks: Evidence and Proposal
The market for federal judicial law clerks, which has suffered from market unraveling for many years despite multiple unsuccessful reforms. In the empirical part, based on a unique dataset on judicial production, it is found that preventing unraveling would benefit overall judicial production. However, its effect is heterogeneous:
only high-productivity judges would be better off, while low-productivity judges could fare much worse. Motivated by this empirical finding, this presentation develops a theoretical model of hiring and proposes a novel form of reform that explicitly allows early hiring for some judges in a regulated manner.
問合せ先:adachi.keiko.z0y[at]ad.hit-u.ac.jp (SDS共同研究室)